Terra Spencer Live Concert

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Togetherland Art Gallery, Ingramport

Raised on the mud banks of the Avon River, funeral director-turned-songwriter Terra Spencer’s sly storytelling and ‘70s wood-paneled warmth are a knee-to-knee conversation in a room of 5 or 500. Her sharp, intimate writing and butterscotch voice quickly earned her a faithful following and led to Juno-nominated songs recorded by David Francey and Matt Andersen. Terra's album with Ben Caplan, Old News, won 2023 Music NS Folk Recording of the Year and she is currently nominated for two 2024 Canadian Folk Music Awards.

**Food and non-alcoholic bevvies available for purchase from Crab Apple Cookery (Thank you Lorne!) Cash only, please!

7-7:30pm: Arrival at Togetherland 7:30pm: Welcomes, intro to the gallery and Terra 2 x 45 minute sets with intermission in between

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